The modern world is too hectic to look for your potential match on your own. Unfortunately, people are so busy with their careers and everyday duties that they simply can’t start dating traditionally. Those who still meet in bars, gyms, or through their friends, are most often disappointed with their failures and cannot find long-term commitment. 

Some individuals give up dating at all, however, they should not, while others start looking for alternatives. One such option could be online dating or various dating apps presented on the market. The choice is so big that it’s truly easy to get lost. It’s no wonder there are so many different experiences and opinions about such types of dating.

Some people are experienced in these fields while others are not. Those who want to find potential dates and be sure of their results, choose one more available option — matchmaking. There are still many matchmakers in the dating field and not everyone knows how and which one to choose. Many of them are presented as the best matchmaking services and cost really high. 

Does expensive mean good though? Can all the matchmakers guarantee 100% results and connect you with a good match? Are they worth becoming their paying client after all? Below, you will find everything about professional matchmaking services, how they are different from online dating, dating apps, and dating coaching, their pros and cons, and why you should and should not pay for elite matchmaking.

When do you need matchmaking services?

dating agency

It is necessary to admit that not everyone needs the help of professional matchmakers. Many people can do very well without them when it comes to a long-term relationship. However, in some cases, using a matchmaking service will solve plenty of your problems. 

Thus, you need the assistance of matchmaking companies when you: 

  • Have used plenty of dating apps or dating sites with no success at all
  • Work 24/7 and simply do not have time to even go out
  • Are one of the affluent men who want to be sure of their potential matches (not to meet a gold digger, for instance)
  • Experience failures in every relationship you start
  • Never finish your dates with a long-term relationship
  • Lack dating experience or confidence and need relationship coaching

The matchmaking industry is mostly developed for successful people who work round-the-clock and do not have time for their personal life. People who have very good careers and reach certain social success simply do not want to waste precious time looking for their face to face dates on their own and prefer paying a professional matchmaker to be sure of the quality. Although the dating pool is full of great options, they prefer a professional approach that would guarantee a high success rate. 

What does a matchmaking process involve? 

At once, it is necessary to understand that there are many matchmakers in the modern matchmaking industry. Their services may vary although they work in the same category. However, each of the additional services is optional. Below, you will find the main services every professional matchmaker must provide.

An initial interview online or face-to-face

Every matchmaker must select an interview before you even pay for the services. This consultation can be either paid or free but it must give your potential service an idea of whether you need matchmaking at all and if they can help you.

A professional selective search of potential matches

Every matchmaking agency must select the matches that meet all of your criteria and arrange first dates with them. The number of these matches depends on your membership options. 

Guidance on your dating process

All matchmakers meet a paying client and provide him/her with relationship coaching. As a client, you may reject but every matchmaker offers dating coaching. Most dating mistakes clients make are similar, so your professional matchmaker must be sure you can avoid making them while dating. 

Feedback after each date 

Every date is discussed with both paying clients and then, your relationship expert gives you feedback on what you should improve, what was good, what was not, etc.

Arrangement of a real first date with potential matches

Every matchmaking service must lead to face to face dates, otherwise, why else would you pay for matchmaking packages? If everything ends with just dating lessons without real-life meetings, it is not a service of a matchmaker and it will not lead to any serious relationship.


Who is a matchmaker?

Everything seems obvious. Usually, all potential clients apply to an agency or a matchmaker to find a true and long-lasting relationship. However, in the process of matchmaking, many disputes arise. Clients start requiring different services that are not supposed to be provided. Let us find out what a matchmaker’s service should do and what it should not. 

A professional matchmaker is not:

  • Your personal friend
  • A therapist
  • A wizard who can guarantee 100% marriage
  • Someone who will solve all of your personal-life problems
  • Responsible for your dating scene
  • There to tell you what you like, some of the matchmaker’s words may be opposite to what you would like to hear, be ready for that

Matchmaking companies do:

  • Listen to your relationship and dating experience and failures
  • Find out whether you need matchmaking at all
  • See what your relationship needs and preferences are
  • Conduct a selective search and offer you potential partners
  • Arrange a first date with the most suitable matches
  • Guide you through your dating
  • Give feedback on the process to their paying clients

It means that you cannot consider a matchmaker your friend and ask for discounts, for instance, even if you have built very trustworthy relationships. A service that provides you with matchmaking always tells you the truth, however, it doesn’t mean you should like it. You must be ready to accept the reality and not be mad with your dating coaching expert because of that. 

How to succeed in matchmaking?

If you read matchmaking service reviews, you will understand that some people have more success with dating apps or online dating than with various matchmaking companies. Does it mean that dating sites that are much cheaper are better than professional matchmakers? Not at all. Why then do those people blame their dating services or other sites providing matchmaking services for their failures? It would be good to realize what to expect from a professional matchmaker first. 

Let’s be honest. A matchmaker is not a placebo for your relationship and dating issues. Miracles do not happen and such a service that provides matchmaking cannot become your one-size-fits-all pill and make you marry in a blink of an eye. Unlike dating sites, matchmaking companies can be more understanding and see what you really need. By the way, your expectations and image of your ideal partner can be very different from those of your matchmaker. 

Therefore, to succeed with your matchmaking service, you should:

  • Listen to your service provider, i.e. professional matchmaker. It means that if you hire a matchmaking expert, do not think that you know better than your matchmaking specialist. Even if your professional matchmaker tells you something you do not like, you should listen to this person. You have applied to this service because you have some problems finding a life partner. Thus, you do not know better than matchmaking companies. 
  • Set up realistic expectations. If you are in your 60s, have an average income, and do not possess any bodybuilding physical features, you can hardly hope for dating and marrying a 20 y.o. model. If your matchmakers see that your expectations are totally delusional, you will be rejected. Good matchmaking companies that provide top-quality matchmaking services do not accept customers with such requirements. Thus, if you want to succeed with your service and find a long term relationship, be realistic about your search. You should look for a partner of the same category. 

agency dating

Matchmaking companies vs dating sites

You know how many people nowadays use various dating services to find a long term relationship and just for fun. Of course, you may say that a service for matchmaking is much more expensive than a casual service for dating, so why pay more? Your concerns are reasonable but the two services are quite different. Each service is created for different purposes. The dating pool is full of services offering a quick and successful search for a soulmate. Still, the differences are apparent. Let’s have a look at them.


Dating site

An individual approach to all new clients

A generalized approach to all potential clients

Fixed matchmaking cost depending on the matchmaking package 

Different membership options, mostly credit payment systems or subscriptions 

50% of success depends on matchmakers

Your success fully depends on you

Offers dating coaching and professional advise

No coaching on the dating site

High quality of candidates

Not every service can ensure high-quality selections, almost anyone can register on a dating site

Matchmaking is marriage-oriented

Online dating is communication and dating-oriented

What does matchmaking guarantee?

As it was already said, there is no 100% guarantee when it comes to dating or relationships. Humans are not robots and they cannot act as someone wants, unfortunately. Even if you apply to a matchmaking service or other sites, you cannot expect 100% results. However, you pay quite a lot of money for services and want to be sure of at least something. This is reasonable and understandable. 

Let us see what a matchmaking agency should guarantee, unlike online dating websites:

  • Matchmakers guarantee a high-quality selection of matches
  • A personalized approach and a search tailored for your needs and requirements
  • Background verification and personal interviews
  • Accompanying you from your first meeting until the start of your relationships
  • Feedback on each date
  • Matches who meet your initial requirements stated during your first meeting with a professional matchmaker

A matchmaking service does not guarantee

  • Relationships and marriage
  • 100% success
  • Your dating will be smooth and flawless

Understandably, you can be disappointed now. However, you should realize that if you pay for a service, it doesn’t mean your match will come and knock on your door. Many people expect wonders from their matchmaking companies. Miracles cannot happen if you do not put in any effort though. Payment does not guarantee that the services will bring you a spouse immediately.

If you just sit and wait for your perfect life partner while all the matchmakers in the world work hard for you, you may forget about the results. If you create a profile on a dating site, you will hardly hope to marry at once. Every matchmaking procedure requires your time and effort for success. No, unfortunately, neither a dating agency, nor a matchmaking service can do everything for you. You will need to work hard together with your matchmaking service. 

Why is matchmaking expensive?

Now, as you feel that you need to work more than the service you pay to, why exactly should you pay for then? The truth is you are the one who will be involved in dating, you will make an impression on the first date, and you will live with your partner throughout life. A representative of a dating site or your matchmaking expert will not do that instead of you. They simply cannot do that even if they wanted to. 

However, your dating coach or matchmaking agency can teach you how to do that. If your communication skills leave much to be desired, then they will improve it. If your dating experience is not sufficient, their services will tell you how to behave to impress your date. If you follow the tips and recommendations of your service, you can be sure that your chances are much higher.

A matchmaking expert, unlike a dating site, puts in a huge effort in your dating. “Revenue in that segment is projected to reach US$3,758,000,000.00 in 2022” (Source: ). The services are too personalized. Every matchmaking customer is treated specially. All services are tailored for your matchmaking and dating needs. A lot of time and effort is spent on every matchmaking story. You will never find such an approach on any dating site. For that reason, online dating is cheaper than matchmaking services. However, some clients spend years and tons of money on online dating websites. Sometimes, using such services for years turns out to be much more expensive than quality matchmaking services.

What if your matchmaking service doesn’t suit you?

Unfortunately, not all matchmaking companies suit customers. You should not look for a perfect matchmaking agency but for the one that matches you emotionally and last but not least, brings the necessary results. Look for services, the approach of which you like. Your interaction with matchmakers should be pleasant and their services should not insult you. 

professional dating agency

Change your matchmaking service if you do not see any progress

Do not be shocked if your opinion doesn’t always coincide with the viewpoint of your matchmaking expert. The most important thing in a matchmaking agency is that its matchmaking services bring results. If you see your matchmaking provider works hard selecting quality matches for you, and you had some good dates already, keep working with this matchmaking service. 

If the services do not go further than just discussing and coaching, you need to look for an alternative service or a dating site. Follow recommendations of your friends who used similar services, do some investigation online, prepare a list of questions for your next service, etc. 


Are matchmaking services worth paying for? Yes, they are if you experience certain difficulties with your personal life, if you work all the time, and have no time to date. Such services are especially rewarding when you establish a trustworthy connection with your mentor and are ready to listen to him/her, and invest some time and effort in the process. 


How much does a matchmaking service cost?

The market is full of various matchmakers. All of them have different experiences, qualifications, and systems of work. Therefore, the cost of their matchmaking services varies. Most of the best matchmaking services do not disclose the costs on their websites. As a rule, you can schedule an initial interview where you will be offered certain matchmaking plans and services. Everything will depend on your needs and requirements.

Lots of matchmakers practice an individual approach to every customer and count your matchmaking cost depending on the length of your mutual cooperation, your dating preferences, targeted search, dating coaching, and the number of your potential matches. All additional matchmaking services can be negotiated. Normally, the cost of international matchmakers starts at $700 per package. The US professional matchmakers will cost you from $3000 to $50.000 and even more depending on the matchmaking agency and what your location is, for example, San Francisco or Orange county.

What types of matchmakers do exist?

It seems that every matchmaker should only have one goal and job —  to help you find a relationship no matter what. However, there are really different categories of people calling themselves matchmakers. Thus, you can choose among traditional matchmakers, those who combine matchmaking, date coaching, and even online dating. These groups can also be divided into local and international matchmakers. A local matchmaker and relationship expert will connect you to a good match in your city or state, for example, Orange county. An international matchmaker, in turn, can help you find compatible matches worldwide. 

Keep in mind that matchmakers in different countries may provide very different services. You should not expect the same quality from a reputable agency like Kelleher international and an international matchmaker whose services are much cheaper and less reputable. Every matchmaker works differently and has his/her priorities and results. Their matchmaking process and relationship coaching will be also different. 

How to choose your matchmaker?

Of course, there are plenty of matchmakers and various relationship services that offer everyone 100% happiness and a perfect match in a matter of an eye blink. A professional matchmaker should have a good website with a high success rate. You can choose this rate by checking true testimonials and a matchmaking experience of their paying clients. 

The best way to pick your matchmaker or a dating agency providing combined services is by following the recommendations of your friends. If someone you know found his or her perfect match, got married, or succeeded in long term relationships thanks to a professional matchmaker, then you can also try your luck and use these matchmaking services. 

If you do not have friends who use matchmaking services, then you should conduct some research on different matchmaking companies and pick the one that meets your criteria. For instance, you should check their positive reviews, how much premium membership costs and what it includes, as well as how long it lasts, whether they do background checks, whether you need international travel for your first meeting, if they provide date coaching and targeted search, etc. Every detail matters and especially, the reputation of a matchmaker. 

Does matchmaking really work? 

There are really many services in the market. You cannot be sure that matchmaking services will bring 100% results. Your success and whether you find mutual compatibility and committed partnership depend on various factors, not only on the matchmaking work. To find out whether you are eligible for a matchmaking procedure, matchmakers meet you in a personal interview to learn your preferences, expectations, and goals. 

Sometimes, clients’ criteria for their perfect match are very unrealistic. If this is your case, a matchmaker may reject you to participate in his or her matchmaking process. If a relationship expert sees that you need some help first, you may be offered dating coaching first. 

Your communication skills may also matter for your success. Matchmakers cannot do wonders and make your compatible matches fall in love with you. A matchmaker can interview you, find out who you are, find potential dates for you, guide you through the process, as well as give you some feedback. The rest depends on you. 

How are matchmaking services different from usual dating sites?

The first and foremost difference between matchmaking and other sites for dating is a personalized approach. On any dating site, you will meet many women ready to communicate with you. However, you cannot know whether those girls suit you. Moreover, there is no guarantee those girls will ever appear for a first date even. 

Matchmakers, in turn, will use a personalized approach to all new clients. All candidates on their database were selected very carefully. They listen to your criteria, give you tips and recommendations, and select your perfect match based on what they learn about you. A matchmaker is someone who accompanies you throughout your dating scene and is interested in you finding a serious relationship. 

In other words, when being a member of a dating site, you are left face to face with your dating process. When using professional matchmaking services, you can count on qualified assistance and professionalism.