It’s important to maintain a good attitude and positive vibe, regardless of what challenges your face. The case of herpes infection among other STDs isn’t an exception. There are numerous HSV singles who date successfully and have normal sexual life and romantic life with the help of enough communication, proper medicine, and guidance from life dating advisors, as well as herpes dating apps on their own.

If you recently learned about your genital herpes diagnosis, you don’t have to panic (the same is valid for HIV too). You can also start dating someone. On dating apps for HSV singles, you will be able to get acquainted with people with/without oral herpes and genital herpes. Normal love partnerships can still be established and sustained — interested parties just have to show more dedication and self-care.

For those parties who haven’t found their soulmate yet, the right use of dating apps and sites match-making algorithms will come in handy. Regardless of what types of HSV singles (or even HIV) you belong to, this article will be vital. It is so essential to understand how safe sex can be.

positive dating sites

Is the Herpes Status the End for Any Romantic Relationships?

This is one of the widespread stereotypes when oral herpes or genital herpes dating is analyzed. Although it is a challenging format of sexual relationships, where a lot of care and dedication are required to maintain the potential partner’s safety, herpes dating is a realizable option. With the help of online herpes dating sites, interested parties can get acquainted with other herpes positives and start leading a joyful sexual life and romantic relationships, of course. According to the World Health Organization research, over three and seven billion people are herpes positives after they cross their fifty-year jubilee. The table below contains the most important information about the herpes virus, which has to be considered before you engage in HIV, HPV and HSV dating.

The pathogen transmission risk

It is one of the sexually transmitted infections (like HIV), which means any unprotected sexual contact can lead to your STD inflection. Normal sex life is possible, but you will need to apply for professional medical advice if this disease brings more pain than just a skin condition. Genital herpes is sexually transmitted, yet sexual contact frequently leads to asymptomatic shedding. The probability of transmission through household objects or toilets is very low or not considered at all. When it comes to the incubation period, it usually takes time in the range of three to eight days and up to two weeks.

Symptoms of the herpes virus

There are several characteristic herpes signs, which are better to be aware of before entering the HIV, STD, HPV, and HSV dating market. The list includes a widespread distribution of vesicles in the genital area and adjacent skin, as well as painful enlargement of inguinal lymph nodes, painful swelling, and hyperemia of the genital organs. Some oral herpes or genital herpes users on herpes dating sites may have systemic symptoms, such as fever, headaches, muscle pain, and so on.


With a typical clinical picture and sufficient experience, extensive laboratory tests are not necessary. However, laboratory diagnosis becomes particularly important in doubtful cases.

There are two types of herpes:

  • Who is susceptible to oral herpes? This type of STD can actually infect anybody. It is generally contracted in childhood and adolescence. When an infected individual interacts with a youngster, the virus can be transmitted. For instance, an adult, who is already affected by this STD, can infect a child by kissing.
  • More known to the public as genital herpes, it is one that is sexually transmitted from herpes positives to their prospective partners. If you engage in multiple sexual relationships without protection, you increase the transmission risk. Vaginal and oral herpes will require the use of condoms and dental dams (the use of dental dams will work for your overall well-being and oral sex safety). Considering the different structures of female and male tissues, ladies who use herpes dating sites are more common users. Their delicate tissues are prone to tearing and, therefore, sexually transmitted infections.

If there is no immunity to the herpes simplex virus, e.g. after a preceding oral infection, the disease progresses severely. The recurrence is much milder, but due to its frequency, it can be very distressing for the user of herpes dating sites.

Antiviral medication therapy is sufficient and adequate only if it is conducted at an early stage of the infection when the virus is reproducing. At the stage of eczemas and crusts, herpes diagnosis treatment can hardly be anticipated to be of any benefit. Due to the fact that herpetic infection is distinctively localized, the method of treatment choice is local therapy. However, the ability of antiviral medications and chemicals to penetrate into the tissues is limited when the asymptomatic shedding is in the past.

With frequently recurrent genital herpes, continuous treatment with the right antiviral medication (also known as a suppressive therapy format) helps herpes positives avoid recurrence throughout the duration of the drug course and participate in herpes dating site activities without concerns. The required dose varies and has to be determined for each patient individually by gradually reducing the number of pills taken. If genital herpes occurs regularly, e.g. during menstruation in the case of women, a short prophylactic course of the drug may be prescribed for this period.

If you don’t treat herpes, it might be uncomfortable. Unlike the major part of STDs, especially HIV, this decision doesn’t typically result in severe health issues. Herpes outbreaks can happen regularly, but their frequent occurrence is usually expected to decrease over time in a natural manner. Probably, the only reason why herpes dating will become complicated is when herpes positive singles suffer from other sexually transmitted diseases like HIV.

Genital Herpes and HIV Positive Diagnosis

HIV infections via sexual contact are far more prevalent in those cases when potential matches suffer from genital herpes. The human immune system strives for releasing discomfort and pain, so special cells increase their concentration and flow through blood veins. These protection mechanisms are negatively influenced by HIV. The likelihood of contracting HIV is enhanced if there is direct contact between herpes positive zones (like blood or sexual relationship products such as vaginal fluid and semen) with HIV.

People with HIV, who are also herpes positive singles, have a more severe course of the disease and the symptoms are more pronounced:

  • The disease constantly relapses (one-two times every three months).
  • The viral infection affects deeper layers of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Ulcers and erosions form at the site of previously damaged zones, and some parts of the skin begin to die off. This form of herpes is called ulcerous-necrotic. These symptoms are accompanied by a strong pain syndrome. If such a condition is observed for more than three months, this is a serious threat to the health of the person. It can also be a sign of HIV if the opposite isn’t confirmed by analyses and STD testing.
  • Rashes can appear on any area of the body, often they are found on the surfaces of internal organs.
  • The rash is migratory, with subsequent recurrences of the blisters appearing on different parts of the body.

How to Talk to Daters About Your Herpes Virus Diagnosis

According to multiple studies, herpes singles don’t disclose their herpes status until the moment of their first sexual activity. In practice, telling your lover about this health issue is a sign of self-care and respect for the other half. Given how delicate the topic is, this “adventure time” can be really nerve-wracking. If you want to hang out freely and without constant fear of being caught, the best solution is to inform your prospective interlocutor about your health situation as soon as possible. Here are some process peculiarities to bear in mind:

  • The as-soon-as-possible approach doesn’t mean you have to disclose your status to strangers randomly and straightforwardly. Most probably, it will distract a person and won’t let you build any serious connection with them. So the right timing is essential. You have to find the best balance to save your dating life and experiences from disappointment. The use of specialized herpes dating sites will make both partners prepared for dating with herpes positives — discorded couples who do really well also exist.
  • Waiting to disclose a bit has a slight advantage as well: it shows you how the other half is ready for sharing good and bad things not only on dating sites but in person too. If you have a free account, it might be reasonable to take your time before revealing your vulnerabilities and weaknesses. There are several online scammers, who can use any provided information against you. So the initial challenge is to ensure you communicate with real people, who are interested in dating life with you. On the contrary, free accounts can be utilized as a wonderful means of tutorial for beginner herpes positive daters. They are excellent tools to practice dating tips in real life.

You can also suggest your partners read top-notch content about herpes and how to lead a happy and successful sex life and romantic dating with it. In the POZ magazine, the latest news and facts about herpes outbreaks are collected. The POZ online resource also provides distinctive information about other viruses and diseases they cause, including HPV, HIV, and STDs. You can also find professional pieces of advice about functional healthcare principles from POZ experts. There are other sources of true data about herpes, apart from POZ; the key thing here is to keep your couple educated about this disease, meet people with herpes without fears and concerns, as well as improve your living with herpes singles.

Is It Hard Dating with Herpes Positives?

Has your current or prospective partner disclosed to you that they have oral herpes or genital herpes? This format of STD, unlike HIV, doesn’t put your life at risk, so keeping normal sex life and romantic life is possible. If you don’t have any format of herpes, either oral herpes or genital herpes, you will form a so-called discordant partnership with your prospective partner for everlasting love and any sexual activity. HSV singles can protect their lovers from not only HSV but other STD and HIV symptoms too.

First and foremost, HSV singles have to use condoms and medication to smoothen their herpes symptoms, especially during herpes outbreaks. Most STDs are prevented by latex condoms (or dental dams for oral sex), particularly fluid-borne diseases like gonorrhea and HIV. This means it offers extra defense against genital herpes as well.

According to sizable research relating to the prevention of HIV and other STDs, using latex contraception was linked to a reduced probability of contracting genital herpes. The rule of thumb is pretty obvious: the more cautious you are about using condoms during oral sex and any other sexual activity, the lowlier the HIV and herpes transition risk is going to be. Predictably, the probability to fail to remain a discorded couple also increased, the more intense the sex life between the former users of herpes dating services. Those who engaged in vaginal or oral sex more frequently (two or more sexual intercourses per week) had a seventy-seven-percent higher chance of developing herpes than those who participated in a less active sexual life.

A dater with genital herpes should take into account the efficiency of taking daily herpes drugs, which have been shown to cut infectious spreading by up to ninety-four percent. These treatments, which are referred to as suppressive therapy when used regularly, have demonstrated a significant decrease in not just recurrent herpes outbreaks. It is a worthy solution to cope with asymptomatic shedding, giving those who have genital herpes another way to safeguard their spouse.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Herpes Dating Sites?

So far, utilizing specialized communication tools seems to be the only right decision. If you are afraid of disclosing yourself publicly and don’t have enough courage to include your herpes status in the bio on standard dating sites, such platforms are more successful. It is like killing two birds with one stone: enthusiasts avoid the hassle since the job is done by the domain itself and they don’t lie to their potential matches.

If you would like to meet your partner online, here are a few aspects to consider:

  • The dating pool will still be huge. The desire to build your dating life in a non-discreet manner is one thing, but it doesn’t define all the character and personality traits. Set your dating priorities and boundaries in communication with the opposite sex online.
  • Premium subscriptions might be more efficient since they decrease the risk of online scamming. Such websites verify accounts to exclude bios of ill-minded individuals and bots. At the same time, it is incredibly crucial to check what cyber safety guarantees you can expect to achieve at a target domain. When you date the best herpes singles, you don’t mean to disclose your status to everybody on the internet.
  • The benefits of online match-making are valid in the herpes positive dating pool as well. Some personality tests and questionnaires can turn out to be time-consuming, but they are worth it. The reputation of the herpes dating site is better to double-check. There are forums and organizations that approve the performance of dating solutions, so you are welcome to test them and their ratings of the best herpes dating websites.


Your dating life can be bright and full of happiness. Despite living with herpes or dating herpes singles, your dating pool isn’t significantly limited. Although there are partners who will reject you, there are also plenty of those who find nothing critical about living with herpes singles — it is far from the end of the world. Modern dating sites for people with herpes or other STDs and HIV welcome doors to amazing dating life experiences. You can chat with gorgeous individuals, share your experiences, and not feel guilty or depressed by who you are and what you have to live with.

Feel free to join STD dating sites for free or for real money. As in the case of other formats of online dating, such dating sites are distinguished by their security and customer protection. You will be able to create an attention-grabbing profile with your best photos and live a dating life of the former best herpes single in a new status as a person in love and romantic relationship.


  • As evidence shows, you aren’t subjected to telling your partners about your herpes status from a legal standpoint. Of course, if you want to lead an active dating life without worries, it is reasonable to become a user of a premium herpes dating site. On the one hand, it is a wonderful opportunity to avoid awkward talks and uncertainty, when you aren’t sure how your interlocutor will accept the news. Given that herpes is frequently confused with other diseases such as HIV, the risk to be rejected increases on standard dating sites. However, it is still a good idea to learn how to disclose your health problems to people you love and care about.

  • You can find professional medical advice on how to start dating with herpes singles and ensure your sex and dating life overall will be secure. The same is possible to establish connections between herpes singles. So-called STD dating sites often include additional details about sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, enabling end users to be aware of the latest news in the market. For instance, a premium herpes dating app can include access to live dating advisors and contacts of medical centers to keep your well-being and health issues under control.

  • When it comes to the analysis of the best herpes and STD dating sites, the analysis is averagely based on the same principles. Interested parties have to take into account the brand’s reputation in the service market for dating with herpes domains. Getting acquainted with professional reviews, they have to check their terms and policies in terms of data security and whether the provided information is disclosed to third parties. Secret online dating sites for dating with herpes are available, as well as anonymous platforms. However, the range of the best herpes dating sites is chosen thanks to their credibility, advanced communication features, and user-friendly customer support.

  • Herpes positive people frequently believe that urine samples will reveal the truth. In practice, genital cold sores are used when proceeding with HSV testing. Detecting the status of herpes positive singles can also require other STD analyses and samples, including blood and spinal fluid for the presence of the reasons for the herpes outbreaks — there are two types of herpes simplex viruses for herpes diagnosis. To be more precise, some kinds of STD and HSV testing like blood don’t show the herpes virus itself, but rather the response of a herpes positive person’s immunity system (antibodies). If you would like to double-check your herpes status, apply to your therapist or local health department. There are several clinics where individuals can order STD testing without preliminary medical checkups (there is an asymptomatic shedding as well).

  • When it comes to sex and romantic relationships, the risk of transmitting herpes does exist. Since it is an incurable disease, a lot of herpes positive people suffer from self esteem issues and don’t find it possible for potential matches to start contacting herpes they have. The probability of transmitting herpes and HIV differs. In the case of herpes transmission risk, it is spreadable contagiously (through the skin to skin contact). According to studies, protection measures can minimize the transmission risk. Whether you have vaginal or oral herpes sexual contact, it is a must to use condoms to decrease the risk of HIV and other STDs. If only one of the partners is originally infected, ten percent of couples can become herpe positives in a year. The herpes transmission risk increases in the case of asymptomatic shedding in HIV, STD, HPV, and HSV dating.